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Mirqat al-wasul is an important work of its kind. Apart from being a primary source of political and social history of Gujarat and Rajasthan, it also furnishes useful material on geography and topography rarely found in other contemporary sources. The glimpses of the cordial relations between the different communities found in Mirqat al-Wasul lead one to realise the relevance of the Sufis to preach universal brotherhood and love. Mirqat ul-wusul also provides interesting and sometimes unique information on literary activities in Gujarat. The Shaikh, himself enjoying a literary taste of high order, has referred to a number of men of letters of his time and their literary and scholarly achievements both in prose and poetry. Some of these informations are hardly found in any other source of that time. This collection of Malfuzat also bear evidence to Shaikh Ahmad’s intimate knowledge of the Quran, its exegesis and Hadith.
Additional information
Weight | 740 g |
Publisher | Kitab Bhavan |
Author Name | prof. Nisar Ahmad Ansari |