IMAM AL-SHATIBI’S Theory of the higher objectives and intents of islamic law
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This book helps to analyze systematically and objectively, the causes or the crisis faced by Muslim youth, and presents the ways and means Muslims should adopt to seek solutions. The different aspects of the Ummah and the proper Islamic way to resolve its crises and clarified. From this book the reader can gain a wealth of experience and Islamic knowledge leading toward true Islamic solutions. The ideals and values enunciated in the book are vitally relevant to Dawah efforts in all socio-cultural environments. Its usefulness in a predominantly non-Muslim miliondrvis from the fact that the author has focused on universally valid properties of Islamic Dawah and underscores its importance of right attitude and character formation without which Islamic Dawah looses its appeal to all mankind, irrespective of differences in their cultural and political persuasions. We earnestly hope that this book will be of great help to Indian Muslim youth in developing right approaches to the challenges and pressures of the modern age and living in a non-Muslim environment in order to achieve the Islamic goals and objectives. This is recommended reading for every Muslim youth, intellectual, and scholar.
Additional information
Weight | 200 g |
Publisher | Genuine publications & Media pvt ltd |
Author Name | yusuf al-Qaradawi |